Thursday, July 07, 2011

美图秀秀 (mei tu xiu xiu)

i should have used some other photos to test out , but i was too excited while trying the app . And before i realize , i already uploaded all screenshots on photobucket . So don't anyhow repost hor ! ´艸`

Though i have been hearing about 美图秀秀 (mei tu xiu xiu) for some time , but i was rather lazy to download it . To me , before i started exploring the app , it seems to be #justanotherphotographyapp . BUT NOW , i'm totally amuse that in a free app it can consist many features which often developed in separate apps (or maybe there is similar but need to pay) . This is like 3in1 /4in1 photography app ! Shiok ! #savememoryspace Totally worth sharing ! (●^∪^●)

But this app is from China and is all developed in Chinese , as a result non-Chinese may have trouble figuring how to use the app . So i'll try to translate/guide as much as i can while reviewing the contents .

▲ 2 choices for photo editing / post-production - 美化图片(mei hua tu pian) & 拼图 (pin tu) .

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美化图片 ❯❯ Photo editing (crop , flip , rotate , blur , add filter , add border)
拼图 ❯❯ Arranging photos into collage (in grids , random or all align vertically)

A lot of features right ?! Free app leh ! ^艸^

So what's inside 美化图片(mei hua tu pian) ?

▲ 编辑 (bian ji) , 调色 (tiao se) , 背景虚化 (bei jing xu hua) , 特效 (te xiao) & 边框 (bian kuang) .

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编辑 ❯❯ Photo editing (crop , flip , rotate)

▲ Crop image . You can choose the ratio of size you wanna crop by clicking (比例:?:? ▲)

Click the blue button to confirm cropping .

▲ Rotate left , rotate right , flip horizontally , flip vertically .

Or , rotate within the image by moving the (blue) scroll bar . Click 重置 (chong zhi) to reset the rotation .

The last tab (锐化 / rui hua) is sharpen image .

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调色 ❯❯ Adjusting the colors

▲ Saturation , brightness , gamma correction .

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背景虚化 ❯❯ Background blur / tilt-shift

▲ Scroll to adjust the size of the outer circle .

Second tab is parallel bars/lines .

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特效 ❯❯ Filters

In fact this one i suppose nothing nice to explain since we often will try and error to test out each filter to see which suits or see which one we prefer . All i can say is : a lot of filters to choose from ! (=∩_∩=)v

▲ i like this ! So holy feel ! Anything with this filter sure end up looking holy ! hehehehe .

▲ Got bokeh too !

▲ Singaporean now can has snow anytime during this 365days summer ! But still feeling hot and sweating like hell ! ゞ(´Д`q汗

▲ More bokeh !

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边框 ❯❯ Borders

i think the variety given not a lot but at least they look nice ! (^―^)

▲ Click top arrows to step backward or step forward .

Top left button (首页 / shou ye) to get back to homepage .
Top right button (保存与分享 / bao cun yu fen xiang) to save to phone album or share to the supported (China) sites .

▲ Click the orange (first) button to save to phone album .

You can share to 新浪微博 / 人人网 if you have . 新浪微博 is the Chinese version of twitter plus tumblr . Post like twitter and can also repost like tumblr (cause inside a lot of interesting stuffs that will make you wanna repost like tumblr) . And another key thing about it is 新浪微博 is a paradise / social network for all Chinese celebrities (even those not from China) ! Celebrities update daily/often about their lives , post up fresh new self-taken photos and even socialize with other celebrities over there . #timetostalk

& i don't know what 人人网 is all about !

And now moving on to 拼图 (pin tu) - the 2nd option at homepage !

▲ Click green button to choose photos . i suppose can choose any amount of photos . But i think insert too many not nice !

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模版拼图 (mo ban pin tu) ❯❯ Grid template

▲ Click the arrows ❮ / ❯ at the sides of collage for random choice of template .

▲ Click on the photo to adjust it to have a better framing of the photo if unsatisfied with the given framing (like maybe being placed too high and head got crop) .

To change the photo , click on the photo then click 替换图片 (ti huan tu pian) .

Can also rotate 90° , flip horizontal and vertical .

▲ The 2 buttons right below collage :
样式设置 (yang shi she zhi) to change border OR
添加/删除 (tian jia / shan chu) to add or delete photo(s) .

Borders :

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自由拼图 (zi you pin tu) ❯❯ Random positioning of photos

▲ Click 背景设置 (bei jing she zhi) to change background .

▲ Like most self-editing collage photography app , two fingers to enlarge or rotate . But if have no idea how to position the photos , can just click the arrows ❮/❯ at the sides and photos will be randomly arranged . #lazywayout

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图片拼接 (tu pian pin jie) ❯❯ Photos arrange in a neat vertical row

▲ Same thing like before (scroll back to the front) , click 保存与分享 (bao cun yu fen xiang) to get to this page and click orange button to save to phone album .

▲ Not only iphone users can use this app , Android users can too !

Phew ! (ノД`) =3 What a long post/review/tutorial ! But this also shows that this app seriously got a lot of good stuffs ! Totally worth wasting the phone memory space ! (Y) Can crop , adjust brightness , adjust saturation , blur , add filters , add borders , create collage etc . Now i can also start deleting useless/overlapping apps !

#whyneedsomanywhenyoucanhaveallinone ( ´艸`)

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